Guidelines for Book Proposals

The following guidelines are for authors/editors of manuscripts submitted for publication with Clifford.


  1. Corresponding author/editor: name and institution.
  2. Book title (tentative).
  3. What type of book is it (e.g., research monograph, collection of articles, reference work, text book).
  4. Estimated word count.
  5. When do you expect this title to be complete?
  6. Number of tables/figures.
  7. Number of contributions (for collective volumes only).
  8. What do you see as the main selling points? why this book is needed?
  9. Has any part of this work been published previously? Are there any permissions required from other copyright holders?
  10. Please include the table of contents and a concise description of the volume.
  11. List any publications your manuscript is related to or will directly compete with. Please include author(s)/editor(s), year of publication, title, publisher, and price if known. How will your proposed book differ from these?
  12. Please list up to three qualified people who might be interested in reviewing this title? Please supply email/contact addresses.


Please submit your book proposal, standard academic CV, and sample chapters as attachments by e-mail to our acquisition editors at